Hours and Location

Hours and Location



The State Purchasing general mailbox assists with everything not covered below. Submit invoices and payment related questions here.


Submit public records requests here.


The purchasing helpdesk assists State and local government staff with access and process questions.


The vendor helpdesk assists potential bidders and vendors with access, process questions, and support for NEVADAePro, the State electronic procurement system.


The State property team assists State and local government staff, non-profit entities, and other qualified recipients with process questions related to excess, surplus, and Federal surplus supplies, materials, and equipment. Submit property disposition requests (PDR), correspondence, warehouse appointments, and any other property management and fixed asset related requests here.


The direct client services (DCS) team assists service providers and State and local government staff with process questions related to DCS.


The preferred purchase program (PPP) team assists participants and State and local government staff with process questions related to PPP.


The travel team assists State and local government staff with process questions related to airline travel and credit card programs.


The central contracts unit (CCU) team assists statewide contractors with process questions related to quarterly reports and administrative fees.  Submit quarterlyreports here.  

Purchasing Locations
State Purchasing, Main Warehouse, Carson City  Warehouse, Reno Warehouse, Las Vegas 
515 E Musser Suite 300
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 684-0170
1700 Forrest Way
Carson City, NV 89706
(775) 515-5014
2250 Barnett Way
Reno, NV 89512
(775) 515-5014
7055 Placid St.
Las Vegas, NV 89119
(725) 281-1108