Property Managment Excess Property Pick-up Policies and Procedures

The Excess Property Program is designed to maximize the use of and reallocate usable property within the State. 


We DO NOT operate a junkyard and as such our drivers are authorized to pick-up only property that can be reallocated or sold at auction. 


 The driver, at his discretion, may authorize the agency to dispose of items deemed unusable.

    Property will be picked up by appointment in the Reno/Carson City and Las Vegas areas, after the Property Disposition Report (PDR) is approved by Property Management. 


    Please refer any questions regarding pick-up to Cynthia Angel at 775-515-5014 for the Reno/Carson City area and Maria Cabrera at 775-546-3638 for the Las Vegas area.

      To ensure that property will be picked up the first time our driver stops by your office, please be sure that the following has been completed as soon as you receive the pickup notice:

        1. Do not remove Blue State I.D. tags, however, any other tags should be removed.  

        2. Centralize all items.

        3. Disassembled property before driver arrives.

        4. Desks, file cabinets, and shelving units must have all materials cleaned out prior to pick up.

        5. Provide assistance to driver for large pick-ups or if property is heavy or bulky and cannot be removed alone.

        6. Offices moving an entire room or building may be referred to Buildings and Grounds for a contractor to be assigned.

          If agency fails to comply with the above, the pick-up may be rescheduled.