99SWC-NV24-21519 | software products and services | Mandatory for state agencies

Software Products and Services

Contract Overview

Permissive Users

These contracts may be used by the Nevada System of Higher Education, the Court System, the Legislative Counsel Bureau and all Political Subdivisions within the State of Nevada.

Quick Links to Vendors

- Vertosoft
Ordering Instructions

NevadaEPro Agencies:  Place orders via release requisition in NevadaEPro regardless of dollar value.  Only orders that include fixed assets as defined by SAM 1544 require an RXQ in Advantage.  

Non-NevadaEPro Agencies:  Orders over $5,000 require an RXQ in Advantage.  Orders under $5,000 can be placed direct on a local purchase order (LPO) or via PCard.


Contract Administrator
Primary: Heather Moon
Solicitation Documents Solicitation DocumentsThe original solicitation document (i.e., RFP, RFQ, etc.) and any amendments to the original solicitation document.


Vendor Name Vertosoft
Vendor Number Vendor NumberTo be used when making payment to a vendor. t32012256
Contract Period 05/01/2023 through 04/30/2026
Vendor Contact(s)
Chet Hayes
1602 Village Market Blvd SE Suite 320
Leesburg, VA 20175
571-707-4137 |
Vendor Contract Documents Vendor NumberThe executed Master Service Agreement (MSA) contract, attachments and any subsequent contract amendments.